About Sarah Jay
Hi there!
My name is Sarah and I am the owner and principal physiotherapist at Sarah Jay Paediatric Physiotherapy.
I am passionate about providing a high standard of paediatric physiotherapy for children with a wide variety of movement disorders, orthopaedic conditions and developmental needs. I have particular interest in providing early intervention for babies and toddlers, as well as providing specialist services for children with complex gait, orthotic and equipment needs.
When it comes to my therapy approach, I draw upon over 15 years of experience working as a physiotherapist in paediatric, disability and rehabilitation settings, as well as my own personal experience as a mother to a beautiful little boy who has cerebral palsy.
As a physiotherapist and mother of a child with therapy needs, I appreciate first-hand the importance of:
Tailoring a child’s therapy to their individual personality, temperament and interests.
Incorporating a child’s home activity programs into everyday routines and play in order for therapy to be sustainable and successful in the long term.
Ensuring therapy is fun, self-motivating, goal-directed, task-specific and practical.
Celebrating our differences and the perception that it is our differences that make us wonderful, interesting and important to the people around us.
Over the past few years I have developed particular interest in fostering cultures of inclusion in our community through the provision of education and learning experiences in day care centres, preschools and schools. I am passionate about developing a culture in our community that not only recognises and accepts the different abilities that children (and people of all ages) have, but unreservedly celebrates them.
I look forward to learning about your child’s unique abilities, being a part of their journey and helping realise their potential along the way.

My Beliefs:
1. I believe in early intervention.
“The early years of life are critically important for a child’s movement development. By supporting you in providing early play-based opportunities for quality movement experiences, I can help your child get the best possible start in life.”
2. I believe every child has special abilities and strengths.
“When working with children, I aim to support the development of growth mindset and maintain a positive focus on strengths, ability, effort and determination.”
3. I believe parents and caregivers are experts on their own children.
“I believe that parents and caregivers play a primary role in enabling their child to achieve their movement potential. My approach to working with families is one of partnership, empowerment and respect. I recognise and respect the unique needs and strengths of each child, their family and their community. I aim to empower parents/caregivers with the skills, equipment and knowledge they need to best support their child’s development.”