Helpful Resources
Motor Milestones
As a parent, it is often hard to know whether your child is developing within normal ranges, particularly when children develop skills at different rates. To help you, I have created movement milestone charts for babies, toddlers and children between the ages of 0 and 6 years old.
The information in these charts has been derived from the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale – Version 2 (PDMS-2) which is a nationally recognised, standardised developmental assessment tool. These charts reflect the ‘average’ movement skills of children within the specified age-group (50% of children having achieved each skill). The charts should be used as a guide only and should not replace movement assessment by a physiotherapist working in the field of paediatrics.
It is important to remember that children develop skills at different rates, so a child achieving skills in the ‘below average’ range is not necessarily a cause for concern. I have provided information on when you should seek professional help along with each chart. However, if you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s movement development it is important to have your child reviewed by your GP or a physiotherapist. After all, you are the expert when it comes to knowing the needs of your child.
For Further information on milestones, the Raising Children Network is a government supported website which provides quality resources and information on childhood development: raisingchildren.net.au